Portfolio of EU Social Indicators for the Monitoring of Progress Towards the EU Objectives for Social Protection and Social Inclusion, Social Protection Committee - Indicators Sub-group
The portfolio document collecting indicators for the monitoring of progress towards the EU objectives for Social Protection and Social Inclusion.
Pensioni adeguate - Adequate pensions
Pensioni sostenibili - Sustainable pensions
Modernizzazione delle pensioni - Modernised pensions
Accesso alle cure - Indicators regarding access to care
Qualità delle cure - Indicators regarding quality of care: effectiveness, safety and patient centeredness
Sostenibilità di lungo termine dei sistemi di cura - Indicators regarding long-term sustainability of systems: expenditure and efficiency
Lotta alla povertà infantile e all’esclusione sociale, promozione del benessere dei bambini - Overall objective of combating child poverty and social exclusion and promoting child well-being
Accesso a risorse adeguate - Access to adequate resources
Accesso a servizi di qualità - Access to quality services